Fonderie de Bretagne at Global Industrie !

It was a first for Fonderie de Bretagne to take part in the Global Industrie trade show, a major event for manufacturers held in Paris from March 25 to 28, 2024.

During the 4-day show, our company was represented by our general management, our sales department and our product development department. The outcome of this first participation was positive, with very good exchanges with prospects and already established contacts.

It was also an opportunity for our teams to exchange ideas with their foundry colleagues !

We’ll be repeating the exercice, this time in Germany, at the CastForge show, to be held in Stuttgart from June 4 to 6, 2024, which is more specialized and dedicated to casting and forge. Fonderie de Bretagne at Global Industrie ! Fonderie de Bretagne at Global Industrie !

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Fonderie de Bretagne since 1965

FDB is proud of its expertise built up over more than a half-century and has modern production tools facilities to ensure product quality, customer satisfaction and innovation.

FDB history