Cyclatef ATF training participants visit FDB

👐 On Wednesday afternoon, June 5, we were delighted to welcome participants to the ATF (Association Technique de Fonderie) Cyclatef training session on “defects and imperfections in cast iron foundries”, held from June 4 to 6 in our beautiful town of Port-Louis.

đŸ™‹â€â™‚ïž Our trainees, who come from various foundries in France, left their training rooms for an afternoon of professional escapade at Fonderie de Bretagne.

ERWAN JACQUIN, our project manager, gave a guided tour of our workshops and processes, from casting to machining. Amélie Houstin, a new recruit to FDB as Customer Quality Engineer, was able to benefit from this training and also accompanied the group on the tour.

👍 Our thanks go to Denis RousiĂšre, President of the Ouest ATF-AAESFF group, who initiated this meeting and emphasized FDB’s technical expertise, the prospects offered by current projects and a plant that remains emblematic.

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Fonderie de Bretagne since 1965

FDB is proud of its expertise built up over more than a half-century and has modern production tools facilities to ensure product quality, customer satisfaction and innovation.

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