Diversification and modernization
By chance, the day after the announcement of the firm offer to acquire Fonderie de Bretagne issued by the industrial holding Private Assets, we received elected representatives, Mr Jean-Michel Jacques, MP; Mr Fabrice Loher, Mayor of Lorient and President of Lorient agglomeration, Fabrice Vély, Mayor of Caudan, representatives of the state services, Madame Florence Bessy Sous-préfet Préfecture du Morbihan, Mr Gael Guegan, Région Bretagne, and the CCI du Morbihan, Mr. Loic Bardin and Peter Nass, for the periodic meeting of the FDB Monitoring Committee.
The participants were welcomed by Jérôme Dupont, CEO of FDB for a presentation of the activities of the plant, followed by a focus on sales development with Nathalie DELOURME, our commercial director.
A committee largely devoted to visiting the workshops and presenting the actual and planned developments that accompany the diversification of production, guided by ERWAN JACQUIN, our plant project manager, with the intervention of Bastien Morbidelli, energy manager.
· Just a few days before production, the new core-cutting workshop is one of the levers for this adaptation to new markets, allowing us to expand the range of products offered, with larger parts in particular (project led by PANTZER Nicolas, the FDB teams, Marco Meneguzzo MVM consulting,…).
Another key axis to specifically respond to this new diversity of parts, the implementation in progress of new finishing cells, manual and robotic, which will enrich the current fleet of machines (project led by Franck JOUSSE and FDB teams,…),
Other pillars of FDB’s transformation plan were shared with our interlocutors, including the new merger project, work on energy sobriety… .
Concrete, then, such as the qualification of FDB as a supplier by new customers and their first orders. Customers who are major players in the agricultural machinery, heavy goods vehicles, handling equipment, railway infrastructure, automotive… .
The offer made by Private Assets will enable the company to complete its transformation plan, which focuses on diversification of production, modernization of the industrial tool and improvement of performance.
Thank you to all the members of the follow-up committee for their continued support and once again renewed and expressed during this meeting, with the recognition of the achievements and strategy of the company to mark FDB’s activities in the long term.
Bravo to the FDB teams who are committed and determined to make a success of the FDB transformation.