Meeting with the IRDL research institute in Lorient👋

Exchanges are underway between the Institut de Recherche Dupuy de LĂŽme (IRDL – site of Lorient) and the quality and project departments of Fonderie de Bretagne. We had the pleasure to receive at FDB, Anthony Magueresse and William Berckmans, engineers of studies, Edouard Geslain, CĂ©dric Pouvreau, Denis Carron, Nathan Demazel and Muriel Carin, Research Faculty at UBS. 👹apfteđŸ«

The first meeting was held at UBS, requested by Yohann Guermeur, FDB project engineer, in order to identify a potential back-to-work solution forup on certain control systems as part of an IATF certification process. 🏭

The University of South Brittany, with its various laboratories, including IRDL, covers broad disciplines, in particular on the physical characteristics of materials, These are of particular interest to FDB. đŸ«

For its part, Fonderie de Bretagne has several means of control at each stage of the production of parts to guarantee their conformity and quality (spectrometry, dimensional checks, mechanical tests, magnetoscopy, x-rays, scans
), some of which are particularly sharp.🔬

The opportunities for collaboration through these visits and discussions are more precise: reciprocal access to technical and experimental means, applications in industry, research and development (including sand recycling for FDB) 

Technical exchanges continue in order to define the scope of a collaboration.

Our visitors were accompanied in the workshops and laboratories of Fonderie de Bretagne by Yohann Guermeur, with interventions by Ludovic Piete, Tristan Ertel and ERWAN JACQUIN.👍 Meeting with the IRDL research institute in Lorient👋

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Fonderie de Bretagne since 1965

FDB is proud of its expertise built up over more than a half-century and has modern production tools facilities to ensure product quality, customer satisfaction and innovation.

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