The «prepa learning» visiting FDB🏭

These young people have joined the «prep learning class» of the training pole of the UIMM Training Pole – Brittany who accompanies them in their choice of orientation and alternance as a way into the trades of industry. 👨‍🏭

By opening the doors of its workshops, FDB wants to contribute to enhancing the diversity and richness of the industry’s trades and hopes to create vocations. 🙂

👀 It is also to show them in the field, that far from clichés that can persist, cutting-edge techniques are also present in our foundry: robotization, automation, scan, 3D….

The final Q&A session allowed future apprentices to ask specific questions about the company’s learning needs.

Every year, FDB recruits new trainees in various trades and fields.

Didier Guéhénec, their guide, who has been visiting Fonderie de Bretagne as part of his training activities, and former employee of the foundry, once again noted the profound change of FDB, which continues its modernization and opens up to new markets.

Thanks to Gildas Florent, from the FDB product development department, who provided technical comments during the visit of the different sectors of the plant, from moulding to machining through quality controls.🔎

Good luck to the 2024 promotion prepa learning! 🎓 We wish them to find their way at the end of this personalized support course. 🚀

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Fonderie de Bretagne since 1965

FDB is proud of its expertise built up over more than a half-century and has modern production tools facilities to ensure product quality, customer satisfaction and innovation.

FDB history